How to Stream

There are many methods to broadcast to or listen to streams from

All users need to explicity agree with the LiveMasjid Code of Conduct

LiveMasjid is a free service, built and supported by people in their personal time. It is offered as a best-effort service. We therefore do not charge Masaajids for the service. The only costs is the Pi Streamer device, which is a once-off cost, that is purchased directly from the suppliers with no extra costs added by us.

1. For masaajid to broadcast their stream to the server

PI Streamer: This is a dedicated device installed in the masjid, that automatically streams whenever the Masjid sound system is activated. It is simply plugged in and runs without any maintenance. This device requires an internet connection. For Masaajids that dont have an existing internet connection, the device below includes a 3G USB dongle. The SIM requires about 500MB of data per month. If you prefer, we can OPTIONALLY assist with buying a large annual data bundle, and sharing those costs amongst many Masaajid. Other than this, there are NO other costs. The once off cost for is just over R2000 which includes:
# Item Suppliers Link Cost (as of last check)
1. Raspberry Pi 3B+ or Pi4 Model B 1GB PiShop / RS PiShop Pi3 R557.90
2. 16GB+ Class 10 SD Card PiShop PiShop SD R99.90
3. Raspberry Pi 5V Power Supply PiShop / RS PiShop Pi PSU R149.90
4. Raspberry Pi Case PiShop / RS PiShop Pi Case R87.58
5. USB Sound Card PiShop PiShop USB Audio R39.91
6. USB 3G Dongle PiShop PiShop M2M R819.90
7. Cables - USB extension RS RS USB Ext R39.23
8. Cables - RCA to 3.5mm Audio RS RS RCA R83.12
9. Shipping - Supplier/s to Us to You N/A R300
Total R2176.53

2. For Ulema to broadcast their stream to the server

While the Pi Streamer is a dedicated device, many Ulema may want to stream from different locations, as they travel around. For ad-hoc streaming, they can use their phones or a PC to broadcast. If using a phone, the phone could be placed in the top pocket, so that voice carries to the phone. However, for best quality, we suggest you use a Lavalier microphone, which is a lapel mic, that clips onto your kurta, and plugs into the phone, such as this one


iPhone: KoalaSan or iziCast
Android: Broadcastmyself. We recommed using the paid Pro version, as it supports features like Auto-Connect (if the stream stops, perhaps due to loss of network) and local recordings (even if it did not stream to the server)
It can be configured as follows:

A close up of a computer

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone screen with text

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated


PC: butt

A close up of a computer

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone screen with text

Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

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